CELG(4) HA 32

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

Inquiry into Home Adaptations

Response from : Cardiff Community Housing Association



Response to Care and Repair questionnaire: As many of our residence of Selwyn Morris Court came from the private sector they were surprised that they had not heard of the Care and Repair service.  Some residents had paid privately for disabled adaptations.


·         3 people had heard about the Care and repair service CCHA’s CHAT magazine.

·         2 people said that they had read this information from CCHA’s CHAT magazine.

·         1 person said that they had learned about the Care and Repair service through CCHA’s tenant Service Inspectors group.

·         1 person had received assistance from the Care and Repair service.

·         9 people expressed that if the service was to be reduced there would be an impact on individuals; suffering from isolation, struggling to get around, detrition of health and social skills.

·         It was agreed there should be consistency across the service; is felt that a poste code lottery was not good enough and could be seen as a form of discrimination.

·         ‘Listening cost nothing’. Consultation should be done in other ways, via letter, local advertising, use free publicity within housing and community email.  Use the side of a bus.

·         The group felt that more funding is needed to put into this service; not making it a postcode lottery; to provide a consistency of services, this will help with a reduction in the impact on other services.